Wednesday, 16 December 1998

Meet your new Vicar

NameGeoffery Robert Holmes, but usually known as Geoff.

Age: 31

Places lived: Jersey C.I., Fornham ST Genevieve (Suffolk), Brinkley (nr Newmarket), Nottingham, Liverpool, and Rotherham.

Family: 2 parents, Anne & Nigel,  2 sisters, Naomi (married to Mike with children Joel & Joy) & Sharon, one brother, Matthew.

Marital Status: Single, but engaged to be married July 1999 to Rebecca

Hobbies: Travel, Sport (especially squash and tennis but occasionally golf and cricket), Walking, Days out at the Coast.

Other Likes: Spending time at my parents’ chalet at Snettisham, Norfolk

Dislikes: Shopping

Favourite Food: Anything apart from kidneys

Previous Jobs: 2 weeks in a Chivers Jelly factory,  2  months at Pye telecommunications, 2 months for the Open University (all during a gap year), 1 year as a youth worker in Liverpool, 2 years as Curate of St James, Clifton, 3 years as Minister-in-Charge of Eastwood View Church.

Fond Memories: As a teenager when we lived in Suffolk and kept a smallholding including a Dexter cow, Jacob sheep, Gloucester Old Spot pigs, Light Sussex hens, Anlo-Nubian goats and a tame Red-Legged partridge!